2023 年 10 月高等教育自学考试








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I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose

the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your

Answer Sheet.(15 points, 1 point for each)

1. The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this _______should

be tried and punished.

A. attribution

B. attrition

C. atrophy


2. Who would you___as the most promising student of the year?

A. single out

B. carry out

C. take out

D. put out

3. The archaeologist believed that_____made in the middle of the sand would

bring to light a large number of instruments of Egyptian origin.

A. explanations

B. excavations
C. extravagances


4. There will be a lot of people at this event, but we need to draw the attention

of that one big investor____.

A. by and large

B. by and by

C. by all means

D. by no means

5. There’s one rule for herself and another rule for everyone else. It’s


A. aristocracy

B. bureaucracy

C. hyponymy


6. I’ll never ever watch another zombie movie–the sight of blood was

extremely ______to me.

A. resistible

B. repellent

C. reasonable


7. It was a pity that the home team ___ a number of chances in the first half.

A. squared

B. sponged

C. squandered


8. We need to talk to the otherholders of the parent company and ask

them what they think of the matter before we make any decision.

A. authority


C. suffrage

9. During the trip, we stayed at the very first motel we passed along the road

after dinner, a completely____choice.

A. wanton

B. arbitrary

C. adverse


10. If pilots take a safe approach to flying, then flying is not___dangerous.

A. permanently

B. consistently

C. inherently

D. coherently

11. You might not believe it, but in some respects cave__were far cleverer

than us.

A. dwellers

B. citizens



12. Sons are traditionally expected to ____their fathers. Yet my son is an

exception-he’s not a bit like me!

A. manipulate

B. stimulate

C. emulate

D. simulate

13. He has been___demanding repayment of the debt.

A. intrinsically

B. instantaneously

C. recessively

D. relentlessly

14. The newly implemente dsystem will ____the efficiency with which water
is used.

A. levitate

B. optimize

C. expand


15. Some dishes would be very bland without the___use of spices and other


A. judicious

B. juvenile

C. judicial


Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items II, III, IV.

(1) Drive-in movie theaters were a cultural icon, a classic product of twentieth century lifestyle:

you just drove up, paid a few bucks, parked facing the screen, relaxed in your car, and waited

for the movie to begin.

(2) In the mid fifties, when drive-in theaters were at their most popular, there were over 5,000

of them spread all across the USA. It was the age of the American Dream, of James Dean and

the young Elvis Presley, a time before anyone had heard of Vietnam, smog, inner cities or

color TV.

(3) The “automobile”was king, a symbol of the new-found freedoms of the great American

middle class. The American dream was to live in a nice house in a friendly suburb, with a large

comfortable automobile or two parked in the driveway; and the automobile was there to be


(4) Drive-in movie theaters originated in the eastern USA in the 1930’s; in those days the

quality of movies was not terribly polished, so people tended not to worry about poor quality

sound and images that flickered on the vast outdoor screens in front of them. Often, it wasn’t

much better in indoor movie theaters. Moreover the drive-ins had advantages that indoor

theaters did not have: you didn’t get disturbed by the person next to you, and you could go

as you pleased. In those days, people dressed up to go to the movies in town; there

was no dressing up for drive-ins.
(5) From the end of the Second World War, until the mid sixties, drive-ins lived their glory

years. They got bigger and smarter, and the sound quality improved markedly. In the early

years, the sound had come from huge loudspeakers placed below the screen; by the fifties,

the system of individual sound for each car had become the norm, and all you had to do was

to roll down the window and hook the small loudspeaker over it. If there were too many

mosquitos, you could even pull the speaker right into the car, and roll the window up again.

(6) Movie theaters were changing; but so was American society. By 1965, the American Dream

was beginning to show some cracks. Once color television arrived, the writing was on the wall

for thousands of U.S. movie-theaters, both drive-ins and indoor cinemas.With an escalating

crime rate and rising fears of violence, more and more Americans decided that it was better

not to go out in the evening at all.

(7) Drive-in movie theaters were also suffering from commercial pressures; some went out of

business, unable to compete with the flexibility and comfort of new suburban multiplex

cinemas-but many profitable theaters closed too. As towns and cities expanded, large

suburban sites became valuable real estate, and few owners could resist multi-million dollar

offers to sell out to supermarket chains or business corporations. Over 1,000 drive-ins closed

during the 1970’s; over 2,000 followed in the next decade; by the time 1990 arrived, there

were less than 1,000 drive-in screens across the USA, and few people thought that there

would be any left at all by the end of the century.

(8) Yet things have not happened that way. In 2019, there were still 321 drive-in movie

theaters in the USA, a third less than there were at the start of the century. However, some

movie theaters have opened new screens, particularly in areas where suburban real estate

values have not escalated too far.Ohio and California, for instance, still have 44 drive-in

theater screens, and the state of New York has 49!

(9) Then COVID-19 came along, and while traditional movie theaters in many places had to

shut down, most drive-ins could remain open. With people watching from the socially-

distanced safety of their own car, the drive-in movie theater was suddenly fashionable again,

and it looks like a fashion that is likely to remain. The future for drive-in movie theaters is now

looking as good as it was back in the heyday of the 1950’s, three generations ago.

(10)Today’s theater owners have learned to market their assets more effectively; instead of
remaining empty during the day time, theater parking lots are now used for flea markets,

open air sales, and other activities.

(11)Technology has come to the drive-in too; the modern drive-in uses a low-frequency FM

radio or bluetooth sound system, and viewers simply tune their car radio to the right channel,

and listen to the soundtrack using their own in-car hi-fi. Given the quality of the sound

systems in some cars these days, there is a new breedof drive-in theater fans who come along

to enjoy their own in-car sound systems. Watching a movie like Twister with the advantage

of a quadriphonic megawatt in-car hi-fi was, it is said, quite an experience–especially on a

windy night with lightening flashing in the distance!

(12)Many movie-goers, however, come along just for the fun, or the nostalgia, of watching

a movie in a different sort of environment, under a star-lit sky, and in the comfort of their car!

They can smoke if they want to, drink coffee, or bring along a pizza or a burger; subject to

COVID-19 regulations, food and drink are available in today’s drive-ins, providing another

plus that indoor theaters cannot offer… and that too is helping drive-ins to survive.

(13)It is still possible to visit a drive-in movie theater in the USA, and in the world of COVID-

19the drive-in offers one of the safest ways of enjoying an evening out. Watching a movie

from the back of a 1962 Cadillac convertible was one thing; doing so from the back of a

Honda Civic is not the same experience… But the sound quality is better, and as they say,

better safe than sorry.


II. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding

letter on your Answer Sheet.(20 points, 2 points for each)

16. According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is most probably true of the USA in the

mid fifties?

A. There were 5,000 movie theaters.

B. Air pollution was not very serious.

C. The American Dream was first initiated.

D. Watching TV was the most popular entertainment.

17. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A. The service of American drive-ins was of high quality.

B. American drive-ins were the symbol of success.

C. Every American family owned at least one car.

D.Carswere of great importance to Americans.

18. In Paragraph 4,“terribly polished”can be best described as______.

A. horribly low

B. poorly decorated

C. highly remarkable

D. beautifully lustrous

19. According to the passage, which of the following is one of the factors that led to the

decline of drive-in theaters?

A. Higher property rent charged by land owners.

B. The attraction of the newly-introduced color TV.

C. Better sound and image quality of indoor cinemas.

D. The new fashion of going shopping in the evening.

20. The word “heyday”in Paragraph 9 is closest in meaning to_____

A. popularity

B. perfection

C. peace

D. prime

21. According to Paragraph 11, what change has been brought about to modern drive-in


A. Viewers use their car radio for the soundtrack.

B. Viewers are not subject to weather conditions.

C. No out-car sound system is provided any more.

D. No food or drink is provided any more.

22. In Paragraph 12, the word “nostalgia”refers to the state of being____.

A. regretful

B. resentful

C. judgmental

23. What does the author indicate by saying “better safe than sorry” in the last paragraph?

A. People typically feel safe in convertibles but sorry in economy cars.

B. People should be cautious when going to drive-ins during the pandemic.

C. Drive-ins offer better protection from the pandemic than indoor theaters.

D. Drive-in theaters practice stricter safety check than indoor theaters.

24. What do we know about the development of drive-in theaters in the USA?

A. Their first appearance was in the 1950’s.

B. Their peak time lasted for about 20 years.

C. Their down turn did not begin until the 1970’s.

D. Their total number was about 1,000 in 2000.

25. The passage is mainly about the___of drive-in theaters in the USA.

A. revival

B. survival

C. contribution





III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your

Answer Sheet.(10 points, 2 points for each)

26.Drive-in movie theaters were a cultural icon, a classic product of twentieth century lifestyle.


27. In those days, people dressed up to go to the movies in town; there was no dressing up

for drive-ins.


28. If there were too many mosquitos, you could even pull the speaker right into the car, and

roll the window up again.


29. However, some movie theaters have opened new screens, particularly in areas where
suburban real estate values have not escalated too far.


30. Instead of remaining empty during the day time, theater parking lots are now used for

flea markets, open air sales, and other activities.


IV. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your

answer on your Answer Sheet.(10 points)

31. How have the movie theaters changed over the past years in China?




V. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words

or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences

and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression

for each blank only.(25 points, 1 point for each)

At first 32 , this course is far from inviting. It lacks glamour. It 33 no quick results. It depends

on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.

It demands patience, always in short 34. About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes

works–that in this particular time and place it offers a better chance for 35 some of theworld’s

outrages than any other 36 strategy.

My 37 , the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to 38 a black, masculine image;

he toured the neighborhood with sound trucks filled with young men wearing Afro haircuts,

dashikis, and beards. While the television crews 39 me, they were not 40 of a very important

statistic, which both I and my campaign manager, Wesley MacD. Holder, knew. In my district

there are 2.5 women for every man 41 to vote.

Once in bed, when it is time to close the five 42 of knowledge, most folks I know seem to

find no difficulty in 43 their earthly parts into 44 . It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy

mistress, 45 given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever 46 to be wooed–“lest too light

winning make the prize light”.

The boat 47 a long mournful whistle into the mist. If she went, tomorrow she would be on
the sea with Frank, 48 towards Buenos Ayres. Their 49 had been booked. Could she still draw

back after all he had done for her? Her distress awoke a 50 in her body and she kept moving

her lips in silent 51 prayer.

Let us stay for a while on this subject of consumption. American individualism, on the face

of it an admirable_52 , wishes to manifest 53 in independence of the community. You don’t

share things 54 common; you have your own things. A family’s strength is 55 by its

possessions. Herein lies a paradox. For the desire for possessions must56 mean dependence

on possessions. Freedom is slavery.

A. fervent B.in C.much D. remedying E.philosophy

F. registered G. opponent H.glance I. plunging J. available

K. eventually L. project M. steaming N.ignored O. blew

P. passage Q.itself R.oblivion S. signalized T. promises

U.aware V. nausea W.demanding X. supply Y. ports


VI. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your

Answer Sheet.(20 points, 2 points each for 57-60, 4 points for 61, 8 points for 62)

























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