2023 年 10 月高等教育自学考试








每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮


I. Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter

A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%x20=20%)

1. Walking along the street, he looked up and saw that the moon was______the trees in the



B. above



2. We cannot leave this tough job to a person______.

A. who nobody has confidence

B. in whom nobody has confidence

C. for whom nobody has confidence

D.who everyone has confidence of

3. A good worker in a key spot could,______he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks

he wanted, and the bosses would very likely look the other way.

A. as long as

B. as though

C. as soon as
D. as if

4.______so much progress in such a short period of time.

A. Never have any country made

B. Never have a country made

C. Never has any country made

D. Never do a country make

5. We hope that all the measures against sandstorm,____was put forward by the committee,

will be considered seriously at the meeting.

A. while

B. after

C. since


6. Many special thanks _________to Professor Green, who read the first draft of the thesis and

gave me a lot of valuable____.

A. goes…advice B. go…advices

C. goes …advices

D. go…advice

7. The whole express delivery industry __hit hard by the cold wave that swept most parts of

China last year.

A. were

B. was

C. has been

D. have been

8. When I arrived, the lecture had already started and the professor _____ on the blackboard.

A. wrote

B. has been writing

C. was writing

D. is writing

9.____your windows _____by the storm, then you could have filed an insurance claim.

A. Had…been destroyed
B. Did…destroy

C. Had…destroyed

D. Were…destroyed

10. When you have a small child in the house, you____leave small objects lying around. Such

objects_____be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

A. shouldn’t …can

B. should …cannot

C. should…can

D. shouldn’t…cannot

11. We managed__him into___our terms. It doesn’t matter whether or not he regrets _____that


A. to talk…accepting…doing

B. talk…accept…do

C. talking…accepting…doing

D. to talk…accept…to do

12. Jane walked out of the house without _______ a word to her mother.

A. as little as

B. so much as

C. less than

D. lesser than

13.__her only child had gone to the Summer Camp, Mrs White had a week’s free time to enjoy

doing nothing.

A. Even if

B. Despite



14. We shall have completed the work by the time he __back next week.

A. will come

B. is coming

D. will have come

15. We are all for your proposal that discussion______.

A. be put off

B. was put off

C. should put off

D. is to put off

16. The teacher told us in class that sometimes bad things ___into good things.

A. turn

B. could be turned

C. can be to turn

D. should turn

17. The president threatened ___ an authority if the congress insisted on_ cigarette sales


A. to exercise…cutting down

B. exercising…cut down

C. to exercise…to cut down

D. exercising…cutting down

18. As they went ____in their investigation of the case, they had ____evidence to prove their

assumption of the policy.

A. farther…more

B. the further…the more

C. farther…the more

D. further…more

19. She is one of these girls who ____trouble making up their minds.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. having

20. What____of people are gathering in front of the House of Parliament!

A. large crowd
B. the large crowd

C. crowds large

D. a large crowd




II. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.(2%x10=20%)

21. in, on, at; know, knew, have known

After the scorpion affair, the whole family tried ____vain to get me to stop collecting animals

and insects. They should_____ that I wouldn’t stop collecting just because of one little scare.

22. which, when, that; /, a, an

It is during the childhood year_____ our values are formed by family and community. It is also

_____time when we acquire many of the basic skills we will use later in life.

23. involve, involved, involving; inferior, junior, minor

Another reason laughter is pleasurable is because of the physical sensation_____. Laughter is

a series of ___facial and respiratory convulsions stimulating our respiratory and circulatory


24. detest, desolate, destabilize; so, as, such

Human activity has already begun to __the global climate,__ greenhouse gases reach levels

that are higher than they have been for 20 million years.

25. you, yourself, someone; give, gave, gives

Reminding _____that doing things by your own choice_______you the sense that you are in

control of your life.

26. succumb, succumbed, are succumbed; in, for, with

If children ______to the advertising and begin to smoke before they are 18 years old, they may

become smokers____life.

27. ox, oxes, oxen; weave, woven, wove

From the words they used, it seems likely that they lived a half-settled, half-nomadic existence.

They had horses,________, and sheep. They plowed, planted, worked leather and_______wool.

28. olderly, elderly, more elder; is, are, would be
In China, the large generation born in the first half of the 1950s will become_____ within the

next two decades. Yet because of the one-child policy, the number of workers ____shrinking


29.Notwithstanding, Nevertheless, Otherwise; data, datum, dart

NASA’s satellite technology hasn’t led to successful earthquake predictions yet. ____, many in

the scientific community are hopeful that _____sent from space will eventually help to predict

future quakes.

30. which, where, that; whited, whiten, whitened

Thirty-year-old Josh Donahue, a managing editor for a men’s health magazine in Australia,

is heading for a dental clinic______he is having his teeth___.


III. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.(1%x20=20%)

31. With a determiner:

Once upon ___time, there was an old man whose magic touch could turn everything into gold.

32. With a determiner:

In a bitter quarrel with her husband, the woman lost her temper and slapped him in ___face.

33. With a determiner:

John decided to go to college as he didn’t want to work in the factory ____ his life.

34. With a determiner:

The two boys were under the age of 18, so _of them was eligible for a driver’s license.

35.With a modal auxiliary:

I_____ have saved more money, or I could have afforded a big house in this affluent


36. With a modal auxiliary:

He is a man of integrity; he__never do anything dishonest.

37. With a preposition:

In his speech, Churchill clearly announced that they would _____no means negotiate with Hitler.

Instead, they would fight him to the end.

38.With a preposition:

It is not likely that George smashed the vase___purpose; it must have been an accident.
39.With a preposition:

When the sun sank___the horizon, we made our way to the hotel and had a good night’s


40. With a preposition:

She jumped_____joy on hearing that she had been awarded the scholarship.

41.With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:

John Sutter was a Swiss immigrant__came to California in 1839, intent on building his own

agricultural empire.

42. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:

Nucleic acid testing is by far the single most effective means by __to find those infected by

the virus.

43.With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:

The first and most obvious reason ______I gave up meat is that I’m against cruelty to animals.

44. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:

I have never understood the British attachment to the seaside, so last weekend___ my wife

suggested we take a drive to the seaside, I immediately said “No”.

45.With a coordinator or subordinator:

I’ve told you that I wanted to do some volunteering work in Africa,___I really mean it.

46. With a coordinator or subordinator:

With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn,____ cultural

preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break.

47.With a coordinator or subordinator:

____ smoking is harmful to one’s health is something we can take for granted.

48. With a question tag:

It seemed that everything went wrong while I was away,_____?

49.With a question tag:

I don’t think it’s the right time to take action,______?

50. With a question tag:

Don’t talk in the reading room,_______?

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required on the ANSWER SHEET.(2%x15=30%)

51. Using passive voice of non-finite verbs:

She enjoys their praising her children at school.

52. Using passive voice:

They had done away with this piece of legislation reluctantly.

53. Using subjunctive mood:

I demanded his accompanying me to the conference tomorrow.

54. Using a modal auxiliary:

It is not compulsory for the students to attend the seminar if they don’t like it.

55. Using a modal auxiliary:

I don’t believe that they have been waiting so long at the station on a rainy day.

56.Using a non-finite verb form:

Was Cortes the first European who ever saw the Pacific Ocean?

57.Using a non-finite verb form:

The accused admitted that he had sold the stolen goods.

58.Using a complex preposition:

There was clear scientific evidence, but people still refused to believe that cigarette smoking

was harmful.

59.Using a relative clause:

There was a wonderful view from the hilltop. We had stopped there to have lunch.

60. Using double relative clauses:

The house is again on the market. He bought the house in 1986. He sold the house three

years later.

61. Using coordination:

On his way up the hill John fell down. He hurt his hands and knees. Danny got to the top

all right.

62. Using subordination:

He dismissed the idea. The idea was that they should invest a lot of money on the new


63. Using extraposition:
Do you find living in the suburbs alone very dull?

64. Using cleaving for place adjunct:

At the railway station we were met by a man carrying a copy of the Times.

65. Using complete inversion:

A partial answer to the essay question will be found in this chapter.


V. Answer the following question on the ANSWER SHEET.(4%x1=4%)

66. Explain with examples the difference between inversion and fronting.




VI. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET.(3%x2=6%)

67. shortening

68. subjunctive mood

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