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2024年4月自考00015英语(二) 真题试题及参考答案

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Do You Love Your Dog More Than Humans?
Elizabeth Anderson once had a dog named Grace. She and her husband cared for Graceand tried to keep her out of trouble. They took her on vacations and enjoyed her companyaround the house. When Grace died at age 14, they were deeply upset, Because Grace was adog, “I was unable to talk to anyone about this great grief,, says Anderson.
“But it’s common to feel that way after the loss of a dog,” says Stanley Coren, aprofessor of psychology. “Our relationship with dogs is simple. Some might call it true love.”The bond between people and their dogs is a lot like love, In one recent study, when thedogs and their owners just looked at each other, they both had a higher level of the hormone(荷尔蒙) associated with love. “t is very natural to form a bond between dogs and humans,says Takefumi Kikusui, author of the study. “But we found the same can’t be said for humansand wolves”
“Dogs are man’s best friend,” says Coren.“We’ve trained them to be that way. Weinvented the dog to fit in our lives. For 14,000 years, we’ve been creating an animal which

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